Providential Surprises and Semester

The Lord making a way for us to head to Greenville in Spring 2023

12/22/20232 min read

Advent is here. And I am reminded of the words my mom frequently told me: "Hope is for the time 'in the middle.'" That most of the Christian life this side of eternity is a season of waiting.

For a few months, we have been riding the roller coaster of "we're going," "we're waiting," "we're going," "we're waiting." Nothing was coming together. We were unsure of housing. Selling two cars proved difficult. Not to mention how we would do it all financially. Pulling out Christmas decor, we settled down to try to be content with the, "We are waiting," as our answer.

Then it all happened at once, as I suppose surprises (or Providence) do.

Josh received the text from the head of Admissions at GPTS, "You're good to go to register for classes, and you got student housing." Josh and I just sat, feeling the breath out of our lungs. As a family, we got on our knees, and thanked God. But we were still unsure. That evening, Josh and I prayed for wisdom.

The next day came. The Word comforted us both. Josh went to work, and the rest of us went on a walk. And then Josh received the e-mail, "You received a full-ride scholarship for the winter semester at GPTS."

And then we sold the car.

When everything comes together, its easy to think you have it all together. And while I won't be one to deny the joy of receiving the gift, isn't it the season of waiting in which we strive to rest in the Father's care, and then He does all the REST (double meaning.)

So here we are. We are going to GPTS in January. We still have one car to sell. And we still need to send out support letters for the future semesters to come. But I write these words primarily for myself- to remember. That in the next season of waiting I am called to, to remember that hope is for the middle. That I can rest in my Father's care. And Providence will bring about the surprises in His timing.

P.S. And if you are half as curious as I, the link below gives a glimpse of the student housing the Lord provided.