We Moved!

A long overdue update on our arrival to this temporary dwelling God has for us for as long as He has for us.

2/8/20244 min read

Above: Our current house in Greenville! We live in one of the eight student homes owned by the seminary. The Lord graciously provided this housing and made our transition possible. As you can see by the array of toys (none of which are ours), the other homes are also very family friendly. Children abound, which is a delight to us all, but perhaps most of all to our toddler. Many of the students are international, which has been another unexpected gift from the Lord.

Dear friends, we arrived! The Lord brought us to Greenville and Josh began classes at GPTS. We apologize for the overdue update. The past several weeks have been a whirlwind, and we hope to do a few detailed posts of what the Lord has been teaching us soon. But until then, here is a bird's eye view of our past month and a half.

Above: Two weeks before our move, we all got a nasty bug, and sadly our dear Z got it worst of all. We ended up taking him to the ER and they placed him in the PED ICU as his oxygen was occasionally in the 60s and 70s. The Lord cared for us in this as well. But we are grateful Z recovered well and is back to his roly-poly happy self.

Below: We packed up our home, gave away a good number of things, including our dear dog to the sweetest couple with soon to be baby. While we will miss that floof-ball (and already do) it's a joy knowing she and so many things went to those we love.

Above: This particular image is from the bittersweet reception our church held for us our last Sunday there. These weeks were filled with many, many painful and sad goodbyes. Friends, family, work, and our dear church. We thought we were prepared to leave, but walking into church that last Sunday ushered in the tears of affection we'd held back. Yet how grateful we are to have such wonderful people who make it so difficult to part ways.

Below: Packing up the truck to leave in the freezing cold! We are so grateful for the friends who brought us meals, helped us pack, played with our little ones, gave us giftcards, etc. As we think back to these hectic weeks, we remember being surrounded by the dearest community in the midst of chaos. THANK YOU!

Above: Katherine and the kiddos left a day earlier than Josh, with her incredible mom to help in a million-and-one ways along the way. Making a trip of it, Mom gifted tickets to "The Ark Encounter," along with some dear friends who came half of the way! A. gleefully ran about exclaiming "The ark! The ark!" (Thank you again, Mom!)

Below: Josh and his friend Levi UHAUL-ed the trip in one go, despite the difficult weather, and then managed to unpack the whole truck moments before Katherine, Mom, and kiddos arrived! (A huge thank you to Levi, Colette, and their sweet kiddos!)

Above: Boxes everywhere, clothes flung about, and entirely unsure which grocery store to go to... but how refreshing it is to have the Word of God. Add to the countless reasons for daily personal and family worship... no matter where you are or what your circumstances may be, the Word is home, and our God unchanging. Ever our anchor in the tides of life.

Below: Josh's first day of school! Yes, he has had to change his wardrobe a bit... And his wife is loving it! (And he is slowly beginning to as well!)

Again, thank you for the many ways you have loved us in this time. Even since coming here, you have prayed with us, provided financial help, given physical aid, texted encouraging words, written cards, mailed care packages, handed us gift cards... we could go on and on. Tears fill our eyes as we write, THANK YOU! More to come soon, but truly, thank you.